In this episode, Aasa sat down with Dr. Dionne Pohler to discuss her keynote speech from the Saskatchewan Co-operative Association’s 2018 conference. The keynote focused on leveraging the co-op advantage.
Dr. Pohler’s address touched on five big ideas that co-operatives should keep in mind, given the unpredictable social, economic, and technological atmosphere in which we currently live. Her five ideas are:
- Good governance is about more than strategic planning, oversight, and risk management
- Avoid falling into the “growth trap”
- The short-term business case for diversity is weak and it downplays the hard work required to foster inclusiveness in organizations
- Organizations need to embrace conflict
- Co-operation and self-interest are two sides of the same coin.
Dr. Pohler is an assistant professor from the University of Toronto’s Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, and a fellow at the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives at the University of Saskatchewan.
Links mentioned in this episode:
For a discussion about the co-operative principles and values, check out Episode 2: What makes a co-op?
International Co-operative Alliance co-op definition
Credit Unions: Definitely NOT Banking (thankfully)
Governance Challenges in Credit Unions: Insights and Recommendations